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About Us スクールについて 

Green Tree English

We are a family-run school and a sister-brother team from Canada that loves having fun, being creative, teaching, and Japan.

We have over 10 years of combined experience teaching children-- we love the energy and smiles that they bring!






~しげの妻~ ~トーニの姉~


I love the colour yellow, making and eating cakes, all kinds of coffee, computers, action movies and superheroes, Japan, and of course, children! My own two children, Mila and Teo will be at our school to play and chat with students sometimes ^_^

I worked at an International Preschool and Kindergarten in Tokyo for many years, where I was trained in different teaching styles by licensed teachers. This well prepared me for when I became the Head Teacher of my own Pre-K class. 

I sincerely care about kids and believe that each and every child has interests to nurture and weaknesses that can be strengthened. I wish to teach kids not just English but rather how to make friends, imagine and create, have an open mind and learn new things; all in English. Observant and patient, I'm always paying attention to the students' interests and how to make the best class possible.


子供のころから外国の文化、食文化に興味があり大学では国際文化学を専攻しておりました。大学を卒業後には、オーストラリアのメルボルンで3年間生活し 様々な人、もの、食、文化等に直接触れたくさんの事を学び経験しました。

スクールでは主に事務的な仕事を行ないますが、たまに講師と一緒にレッスンを行ったり レッスンの準備を行うこともあります。自分の子供と一緒にはしゃいで遊ぶのが大好きなので、スクールの生徒たちとも友達感覚で接しており、毎日楽しく事務職やっております。




I lived in Australia for about 3 years. I love foreign culture and food. I support the staff in the office, with preparations, and sometimes in lessons.

I have previous work experience interacting with many people from many different countries, often speaking in English. I love making up crazy games that I play with my own children, and use the same kindness and creativity towards students.







I enjoy videogames, learning new facts and taking trips with my family. My favourite food is karaage and my favourite colours are orange and yellow! I studied English and Japanese linguistics at the University of Alberta, and also acquired a certificate in Japanese to English translation from there. I moved to Japan after graduating.

I spent a few years as an English teacher in a private school, teaching children from ages 3-14. I emphasize clear, direct communication and learning through fun in every class I teach. I especially enjoy teaching and playing both common and unique games that get students involved. Finally, I recognize that children teach me just as I teach them, and am always looking to improve. 


大学では経営経済学を学びましたが、子供たちに教えることが好きで、2021年からGreen Tree Englishで講師を務めています。私は3ヶ国語(英語・日本語・タガログ語)が話せ、休みの日には家族と一緒に過ごしたりディズニーランドに行ったりするのが好きで、特にファッションが好きです。一番好きな食べ物はバターシュリンプです。


小さい子供たちに教えることが大好きで、Green Tree Englishでは主にプリスクールと幼稚園クラスを担当しています。優しさを通じて子供たちの学びへの心を開かせ、その感情に注意深く耳を傾け、子供たちに寄り添ったレッスンを提供するよう心がけています。どの子供たちも自分の思いを言えたら嬉しいです。


I hold a degree in Business Economics, but I love teaching young students! I speak three languages: English, Tagalog and Japanese. I have been working at Green Tree English since 2021. I love relaxing with my family, fashion and going to Disneyland! My favourite food is buttered shrimp!

I love teaching young children, that is why I mainly carry out lessons for the preschool and kindergarten age groups. I use kindness to help students open up to learning, and take extra care to listen to their feelings. I am happy when children can tell me what they think.

Alex - Circle.png



My favourite colour is black, and I like cooking and baking. My other hobbies are gardening and listening to music. I am very interested in nature, I love hiking, going to the beaches and rivers, camping and riding my bicycle outside. I love fruit and my favourite fruit is mangoes.

I hold a degree in Psychology and I use that understanding of people to help me teach. I have been teaching English in Japan for 4 years. I try to make fun lessons that are enjoyable for both students and teachers alike; when the kids are having fun so am I!

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