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Our Approach

Time to Engage




We acknowledge that in today's world, kids in Tokyo don't have a ton of free time. They spend

a lot of time in different groups like school, clubs and teams. As such we offer courses at as few

as fifty minutes a week to ignite a passion for English in your child.


The Passion to Learn

Green Tree Englishでは、英語力を上げることのみを目的としておらず 子供たちがどれだけ英語に触れて楽しいと思ってくれるか、また興味を持ってくれるかを重要視しております。またレッスンではその英語の楽しさ面白さを教え、クラスルーム以外でも緊張せずに自然に英語を使える環境を与えれるように心掛けております。

Many times we've seen students who study English, but don't seem to like learning it. Our system doesn't focus on studying English, but rather experiencing it. We want to encourage an interest in English in students, to naturally get them comfortable with the language and to motivate them to try learning it outside of the classroom as well.


Learn Through Fun


Play and learning go together. No matter what it is, if a student is having fun, they're also learning it. This is why we've dedicated ourselves to short classes that are packed with fun and experiences.



Speak Freely

We believe communication is very important. We're always looking for feedback from parents, whether it be what goals they have for their children or what concerns they have about their growth. We'd also like students to tell us what they have interests in, as we'd love to incorporate different ideas into our lessons!



A Positive Environment


Language has many aspects; listening, reading, writing, and understanding. We'd love for students to speak as much as possible though, and we strive to create a social setting where everyone can speak freely to each other. Students naturally learn from each other and we'd like to encourage that natural trait in English.


Reinforcing Positive Responses

Green Tree Englishでは、“日本語禁止”というルールは設けておりません。


In our school, there is no "no Japanese" rule, because we want kids to express themselves and say what they want to say. We will teach them how to say what they want in English and have them repeat, then reinforce it with appropriate responses.


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