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​Headstart (プリスクール)

週1回 21,000 円 / 月(税込)

週2回 33,000 円 / 月(税込)

週3回 43,000 円 / 月(税込)




時間 : 10:00~13:50



Headstart class (プリスクール)のレッスンは日本語堪能なネイティブ講師2人で行い、月のテーマに合わせた様々なアクティビティ・工作・歌やダンスに夢中になる中で、生きた英語に触れることができます。











1. ウォームアップ



2. モーニングサークル



3. 月のテーマの歌とダンス



4. 休憩タイム

ブレイクタイムでは、アップルジュース・オレンジジュース・お水を飲んで休憩。「May I have my cup please?」「Apple juice, please」と英語でたずねる練習も!


5. トイレタイム




6. 工作とアクティビティ



7. 公園タイム



8. 昼食(お弁当)




9. 読書タイム



10. トイレタイム




11. フォニックス練習とゲーム



12. Good Bye タイム


Headstart (Preschool)

2 to 3 years old (until Kindergarten)

21000 yen (once a week) per month

33000 yen (twice a week) per month

43000 yen (three times a week) per month


Days: Tuesdays and Fridays

Time: 10:00 AM to 1:50 PM
Class Length: 3 hours and 50 minutes

Taught by: Two English teachers

The class is run by two native English speaking instructors who also understand Japanese. Children are exposed to real English in our classroom through a variety of activities, crafts, songs and dances that vary from month-to-month. 

Classroom Goals:

There are many goals for Headstart. Preschool is often the first bridge between a child's home life and their full-time school life. We promote curiosity in English but it is more than just that. At preschool, even if it is only for a day a week, children learn how to be independent, how to trust and ask for help from teachers, how to interact with peers, how to manage their emotions better, and how to solve problems on their own. They also learn "school readiness" skills, which help them understand the routines of school, work in groups, and the importance of equality and fairness. This manifests in different ways, from learning to let everyone have their turn to painting peacefully on a big picture together. When your child starts Kindergarten, they will be prepared as they will have already learned many of the skills needed.

English Acquisition and Lesson Goals:

Children learn English in the lesson naturally. Like how a mother teaches her language to her child, we've built an environment where we use English without pressuring children so that they can learn to speak and understand English in the most natural way: by using English as real people do. We use words that appear in everyday life and we speak to and around the students in English at a normal speed and with normal pronunciation so that they can get a sense of real English. By coming to Headstart and being in an English environment for nearly 4 hours at a time, children gradually acquire English while having fun!

The goals for our preschool entail learning general phrases and using simple vocabulary, being able to communicate in English with games, activities and songs, learning teamwork, manners and the importance of following the rules. We aim to include both culture and customs from abroad and Japanese traditions and culture to provide a truly international atmosphere.

Make-Up System:

Make-Ups are available to students. We also offer an additional lesson system where on top of your regular once a week attendance you can choose additional days to attend that suit your schedule. The fee is 4,000 yen per additional lesson.

Our general class flow is as follows:

Warm Up Time

After putting away their things and washing up, children play with teachers and friends and we just talk to get comfortable and start our day.

Morning Circle

Circle Time where we say "Hello." to each child, and give them an opportunity to speak to teachers. We encourage playing with language at this time. Once children have mastered "I'm fine, thank you!", we have them do it in a robot voice, or change the words completely!

Routine Songs

We focus on the weather, days of the week, and the ABC's, and give children a chance to interact and speak using our large weather chart.

Drink Time

We practice asking for things at this time. We start with "Please?" and work our way up to "May I have my cup please?" by the end of the year. Even shy kids will speak when given the choice of apple juice or orange juice! We always end drink time with water as well.

Toilet Time

For children still in diapers, it's time to change. We also practice using the toilet, which gives children a chance to try without pressure. We assist with potty training and work alongside Mom's wishes.

Monthly Theme Songs & Craft

We choose songs and crafts each month based on our theme. Kids love crafts, so we can get even shy kids to speak during craft time :)
Examples of our monthly themes are: March "Spring", July "Space", and September "Vehicles".

Park Time

Going outside is our way of refreshing our minds and just having fun. We will often go to Tanashi Shrine!

Lunch Time

Kids eat alongside teachers and we all talk about our lunches while eating. We practice "It's yummy!" and "I love rice balls". etc.


As each child finishes their lunch, they can do some free reading. When everyone's finished teachers will read a book for everyone. We always choose an engaging book that is popular in the West~

Toilet Time

Our second toilet time for everyone.


Phonics and Activity

We practice our phonics each day and do simple activities that aim to let the kids experience English naturally.

Goodbye Circle

Please feel free to talk with teachers about your child's progress, any English-related questions, cultural questions, or anything at all

during pick-up times.

© 2017-2024 Green Tree 合同会社

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