Discovery in English (英語で発見 土曜日クラス)
13,500円 / 月(税込み)(Heroes Class)
12,000円 / 月(税込み)(Adventurers Class)
Heroes Class
年齢: 3歳~5歳(年少~年長)
時間: 9:30 am - 12:50 pm
料金: 13,000円 /月
人数: 最高11人/各クラス
レッスン時間: 3時間20分 *昼食持参
Adventurers Class
年齢: 6歳~10歳(小学生から)
時間: 2:00 pm - 4:50 pm
料金: 11,500円 /月
人数: 最高11人/各クラス
レッスン時間: 2時間50分 *軽食持参
講師: ネイティブ講師2人
Heroes Class
Heroesクラスでは、言語を学ぶ一番良い環境(リラックスした雰囲気の中で講師とお友達と楽しみながら行うこと)を作り子供たちと3時間半を講師2人と英語だけの中で過ごしていただきます。レッスン内容には英語の基礎から学んでいけるよう年齢に適したテキスト”Smart English”を使用する時間を加えております。また、早くからアルファベットやフォニックスを導入し、ネイティブ講師とたくさん触れ合い会話することによりネイティブ英語の発音やリスニング力、リーディング力を伸ばしていきます。
Adventurers Class
Explorersクラスは、すでに学校・教室というスタイルに慣れている子供たちのクラスとなります。講師からは英語の“答え”をただ教えるのではなく、答えを導く手伝いを英語で行っていき会話を促すスタイルとなり、“Guess What?”のテキストを使った会話力の練習から英語を使うことへの興味を引き付け、より自信をつけていきます。
Discovery in English
From Kindergarten to Elementary grade 4
Classes are bi-weekly, every other Saturday (24 classes per year)
Heroes Class
Ages:1st year of kindergarten to 3rd year of kindergarten
Time:9:30 am - 12:50 pm
Fee:13,500 yen per month
Size:Up to 11 children
Lesson Time:3 Hours and 20 minutes *Please bring a lunch.
Adventurers Class
Ages:Grade 1 and up
Time:2:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Fee:12,000 yen per month
Size:Up to 11 children
Lesson Time:2 hours and 50 minutes *Please bring a light snack.
Taught by: Two native English speakers
Make-Ups available (you can make-up a missed class on another week)
Discovery in English is mainly about learning everyday English on top of experiencing several different activities that just don't fit into a 50- minute lesson, such as: creating unique crafts, experiments, cooking, events from different cultures, going to the park and eating lunch with two native-speaking teachers. Moreover, we balance the experience by employing a textbook to add in some earnest study time.
Heroes Class
The Heroes class is designed for kids to learn a language in the way that works best: in a relaxed atmosphere where they have fun with friends and teachers. We add in more structured learning by using an age-appropriate textbook, Smart English, to lay down a solid foundation for learning English. Introducing the alphabet and phonics early on will help children learn how to read and become familiar with hearing and producing the sounds of native English. Our goal is to build a foundation for students to learn English more easily in future studies by showing them that English is a natural and fun way of expression. We hope that the confidence our students gain throughout the year will stay with them as they grow.
Adventurers Class
This program is designed for children that are already used to learning in a classroom setting. We emphasize less reliance on teachers for ‘the answers’ and more as guides in English. As such we want to build confidence and interest in English by practicing conversation as we go through the textbook, Guess What! Our goal is to learn about the world through English as well as the basics of reading and understanding English without help. We will introduce science through simple experiments and culture through crafts. We call this our Adventurers class because like a map English is a tool for exploration. We endeavor to instill upon each student a sense of exploration with each lesson – learning about the world they live in and using English to guide their journey.