We'd like everyone to experience various events as close as we can make them to the way that we experienced them as we grew up in Canada. Our events are for families to enjoy together!
Green Tree Englishのイベントは、PaulaとTonyがカナダで育った時と同じ雰囲気・スタイルをできる限り再現し子供たち・家族の方にカナダ本場のイベントを体験し楽しんでいただきたいとお考えております。
Past Events
Easter Party at the Park 2017
We had so much fun at our very first event! Thank you to everyone who joined!
Halloween Party 2017
GTE had its first Halloween Party on October 29th, 2017. We were surprised by how many people attended! We couldn't have done it without all of you.
2017年10月29日(日)にGreen Tree English 初のハロウィンパーティーを開催しました。当日は台風の影響で大雨となってしまいましたが、Green Tree Englishに通っている子供たち、お友達、保護者のみなさま、たくさんの方にご参加いただき、とても賑やかで楽しいイベントを行うことが出来ました。
Christmas Party 2017
We had so much fun spending Christmas with you all! Thank you to everyone who joined!
2017年12月23日(日)Green Tree Englishの教室でクリスパーティーを行いました!!
Picnic Party 2018
We had so much fun at the picnic party with you all! Thank you to everyone who joined!
2018年5月27日(日)谷戸せせらぎ公園にてPicnic Partyをおこないました。新年度でレッスンの準備等に時間がかかりイベントのご案内が開催の2週間前になってしまいましたが、たくさんの方が参加してくださいましてありがとうございました!
Summer Course 2018
Summer is about fun and what better way to have fun than to hold your own special Summer Course? That's exactly what we did for our first Summer Course in August of 2018. For five days we experienced a variety of different tropical activities and crafts, to get just a taste of life on an island. We sang a Maori greeting song every day and even made ice cream! Due to popular demand, we intend to continue the tradition next year!
2018年8月6~10日(午前中)Green Tree Englishの教室で初めてのサマーコースを行いました。5日間毎日午前中の4時間レッスンで熱帯国の生活が体験できました。マオリの挨拶の歌を歌ったりゼロからアイスクリームを作ったりして過ごして、色々サマーしか楽しめないアクティビティや工作できました。一番不思議な体験はブラックライトの光線に当たれば光るアイランドドリンクでした!
Halloween Party 2018
Our Halloween party this year was a real blast! We all dressed up in our favourite ghost-busting movie costumes and even had a special green guest appearance!
Christmas Party 2018
This year we held a real Canadian Christmas party-- food, videos, fun and flannel. So many people came wearing flannel! We also had an ugly sweater contest. Many kids growing up are forced to wear sweaters that show off their Christmas spirit-- but they're so ugly! So many people experienced this that wearing ugly Christmas sweaters on purpose became a competition. The students helped us make the ugliest sweaters they could! And, of course, Santa decided to drop by and give the students presents!
Summer Course 2019
We went a different direction this year and themed our summer school around movies. We chose 5 movies we thought kids from North America might enjoy and made a day centred around each movie. The students even got to watch some clips on the projector! To help make the theme complete, we made cardboard boxcars and set up a drive-in movie theatre. At the end of each day, the kids got an icon to attach to their award. We all had a ton of fun!
Halloween Party 2019
Frankenstein was the theme for this year’s party. We made a giant Frankenstein face with disgusting snot inside! We made giant Frankenstein feet and the kids had to shake off all of the balls. And we made Frankenstein trick-or-treat bags. That was just a few of the things we had fun doing!
Christmas Party 2019
Winter Wonderland was our theme this year. A winter wonderland is when fresh snow blankets the land and it makes the scenery pure white. Looking at the pure white scenery is sure to make you feel relaxed. It is very beautiful. We asked everyone wear white and blue, and they all matched perfectly! Among the snow we had a donut-eating race and flung marshmallows onto the teachers’ heads! Santa was extra handsome this year too...
Summer Course 2020
Last year was movie-themed, so we decided to do a videogame theme this year! To be honest, the teachers really like videogames so we chose a mix of games we like and games the kids like. Not only did we get a chance to play some games every day, but we got to make some cool stuff like Minecraft swords and tasty E-Tanks. Then we were able to play games like dodging the Boos to reach the goal. This was our best summer school yet!
Halloween Party 2020
Unlike the other parties, we decided to have Halloween during the lessons this year. It was the first time we had a party like this! Each class got to make something cool, like a fuzzy spider or vampire blood drinks, and they got to play some Halloween games like monster stomping and charades. At the end we got to shout “Trick-or-treat!!” to get some snacks.